In terms of performance, Tallahassee Community College is a strong contender nationwide. With over 600 courses offered in different forms, TCC’s low tuition and high student success rate makes it one of the top choice for students. In fact, 80 percent of these classes are actually offered online.

Recently, TCC was placed in the “Top 20 Online Community Colleges with the Best ROI” by Online College Plan. With three degrees that can be earned completely online, and over 500 web classes to choose from, it’s not surprising that TCC was ranked number 16 for two-year colleges.

“TCC’s Administrative Team has done an excellent job investing in online learning,” said Marilyn Dickey, Director of TCC Online. “Their continued support and commitment to expanding quality course offerings, hiring qualified faculty, providing faculty with professional development opportunities, and increasing student success have been models for achievement.”

Online College Plan is a website that equips students with up-to-date college planning checklists, resources, and of course, online college rankings. To evaluate the best online community colleges with the greatest return on investments, data was compiled by College Measures. This database houses information for both two and four-year schools. The ROI can be found by taking the cost of attending a school and dividing it by the median earning power of its alumnus over 30 years.

Photo courtesy of Online College Plan

After determining the overall colleges with the best ROI, Online College Plan then narrowed their findings to only include schools that offered online classes. The data was then adjusted to only factor in two year colleges. Research from the National Center for Data and Statistics was used to find the average cost of tuition for the 2015-2016 school year.

As a result, TCC was awarded with a 16.8 percent ROI.

Online students appreciate the hands-on and organized approach that TCC offers. According to some students, TCC’s online classes utilize more recent course study materials than their previous schools. On top of the already well-liked program, TCC plans to make even more improvements to their online classes within the year. TCC’s online focus for the upcoming year is to continue to expand the number of online programs and certifications by increasing online course offerings.

“We also plan to improve student success by providing our students with a dedicated TCC Online Academic Advisor.” said Dickey. “The academic advisor will advise students regarding academic programs and requirements related to TCC online degrees and certificates.”

With such promising online qualifications, it is no wonder students receive the best ROI at TCC.

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