Boston, Ohio, Philadelphia, Texas and Virginia moved thousands of homeless Veterans into permanent housing during the last months of 2015. Virginia, however, is the first of the states to end veteran homelessness altogether, providing housing and support services for all homeless veterans in the state.

Tallahassee Community College now offers a free RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) course. Open to all women in the community, the course teaches how to recognize dangerous situations and how to defend yourself if you are in one. The course includes four separate three-hour training lessons and a workbook and manual. To register,Continue Reading

By Amenah Charani Justin Stalcup. He’s your very own someday famous, never-hipster looking, never a dull moment, always happy for a cup of tea, fellow Eagle. If you search ‘Justin Stalcup’  on Facebook, the only social media he has, you can learn a few thngs about Justin Stalcup. You canContinue Reading