By: Maria Tsalickis, Talon Staff

Photo of Danicia Brown, creator of featured shirt.

The Clothesline Project at Tallahassee Community College is on display for the week of April 23-27 around the walkways near the Student Union and Library. The project was created as a service learning project for Professors Lauren Fletcher and Kelly Thayer’s ENC1102 classes. 

Assault is at the core of Danica Brown’s TCC Clothesline Project T-shirt, that she created for the Domestic Violence Awareness month. Brown’s inspiration for her shirt was to let others know that females and males can be victims of rape and sexual assault.

“Purity is like a flower,” TCC student Brown said. “If you imagine a flower dying, it’s like imagining someone dying on the inside. Their purity is being taken from them.”

At the center of Browns T-shirt, she painted a picture of pink roses in flames that symbolizes

Emptiness is all that’s left.

pureness being taken away from the victims.

Underneath the painting, she included in big words “This is how I felt when you raped me.”

On the back of her shirt is a blue cape that represents those who are survivors, who are looked at as heroes because of their will to help others in the same situations.

“I wanted to make my shirt to put a message out there toward authority and others that could make a difference in somebody else life,” said Brown.

She believes that there are hidden messages out there being told by survivors that haven’t yet

Help to stand up and fight.

been handled by a form of law and needs to be looked at thoroughly to help others in need.


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