Paul Colin, a second-year student at TCC, and Isiah Garza find new ways to entertain themselves after Sarasota closes Payne Skate Park due to COVID-19.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected millions of people across the globe, including college students. Schools and colleges have shifted classes online for the rest of the semester, graduation and other school activities have been cancelled and students’ academic plans have been affected. Many Tallahassee Community College students returned home, some students stayed in town, but all of them are doing their best to fulfill their academic requirements to finish out the semester despite the societal upheaval.

By Paul Colin | Staff Writer

In terms of the quarantine, Floridians might have had a leg up. We have hurricanes and we’re used to cities shutting down, being forced inside and the classic mass panic stock ups as the danger begins to feel more real; but no hurricane has ever lasted this long and the weather outside looks beautiful.

For Spring Break, I had planned on visiting my family in Sarasota for a few days and returning midweek for work. As I packed my bags however, I got a call from my boss saying that business had been so slow that I could stay a few days longer if I wanted.

My mom got a similar call a few days before. The restaurant she works at was going to close for two weeks. My dad got the same call from his boss a few hours later.

As the possibility of a strictly enforced quarantine loomed, I returned to Tallahassee as I had only prepared to be away for a few days and hoped to finish my second and last year at Tallahassee Community College. Upon arriving, I got an email that my work was officially closing until further notice.

Since then, I’ve had more free time than I’ve had in years and in a cruel twist of fate, I can’t do any of my favorite things.

Paul Colin is a second-year Tallahassee Community College student from Sarasota, Fla.  

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