The coronavirus pandemic has affected millions of people across the globe, including college students. Schools and colleges have shifted classes online for the rest of the semester, graduation and other school activities have been cancelled and students’ academic plans have been affected. Many Tallahassee Community College students returned home, some students stayed in town, but all of them are doing their best to fulfill their academic requirements to finish out the semester despite the societal upheaval.

By Alexis Hidalgo | Student Submission

TCC student Alexis Hidalgo cuddles with her dog, who has been by her side since the start of this pandemic.

Getting to come home early from Tallahassee Community College for a five-month summer break sure sounded exciting at first. My plans were to end my first year of college spending time laying out by my pool and biking to the beach to spend all day in the sunshine. 

At the start of all this, I even had plans to visit with all my hometown Boca Raton friends. Little did I know what lied ahead. Within a week of being home, everything was closed: the beaches, the restaurants and even the neighborhood parks.

Shortly after that my brother got really sick so my family was on complete lockdown in the house, and the loneliness began to kick in. Even though we all had each other, we all felt so trapped. 

The fear began to take over in our minds. As a family, we are learning to get back and live on a positive note, but it sure has been a difficult ride. 

I know we will get there. We always come out strong. My brother is getting better and so is this journey.

Alexis Hidalgo is a first-year student at Tallahassee Community College.

How has this global pandemic affected your life as a TCC student / faculty member / staff member? We want to hear from you. Please send us your story:

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