By Kaitlyn Connell | Opinion

POV: It’s 7:55 a.m. on a Monday morning, your alarm goes off and you slowly roll out of bed to locate your misplaced laptop. After digging through your room for the next few minutes, you finally find it, quickly snatch it from the pile of unfolded laundry and dash to the couch, logging into your 8 a.m. TCC Live course just in time. 

Throughout the class you are constantly distracted by moody roommates or notifications from your phone every 2 seconds. Engagement isn’t really an option. Frustrated, you think to yourself, “how exactly am I supposed to learn anything when I’m constantly being distracted?”

Well, I’m here to help. I’ve come up with a couple of tips and tricks to help students here at TCC stay engaged and focused during their Zoom classes. Trust me, there are definitely days where I just lay in bed, video camera off, scrolling through my Instagram feed; but I’m not doing myself any favors. Hopefully, you’ll be able to put some of these hacks to use during your next TCC Live course.

1. Limit the distractions around you. I know this can be difficult, especially when you live with roommates and have your phone always within reach. Instead of sitting on your living room couch, where you are more likely to be interrupted, try taking the class in your room with the door shut. Now, your phone. If you’re anything like me, the idea of even leaving your phone in a different room for over 5 minutes gives me anxiety. So, maybe just mute your notifications or put it face down for the time being. It’ll be less distracting that way. 

2. Take notes! Just like you would do if you were on campus. It will keep you attentive and it will be easier for you to remember what your professor went over in class. Even if you don’t want/need to take notes, it’s a good idea to have a notebook and pencil at hand, just in case you need to jot down a quick thought.

3. Turn on your video camera during TCC Live courses. Yes, I know that NO ONE wants to do this, especially when it’s 8 a.m. and you just rolled out of bed. Speaking from experience, it will help you stay accountable during your courses because if you’re anything like me, falling asleep during class can happen by *cough, cough* “accident.”

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