Shenaria Lozada| Opinion Piece

Not just this nation, but the entire world is currently facing a Global Pandemic no average person could possibly ever predict to experience. Hugs, family gatherings, traditions and even work went dark for months. Free education, mass vaccinations and stimulus checks reigned farther than ever before, but was every group really accounted for in the collection of COVID-19’s ruins? No, unfortunately, they weren’t and I can personally attest to this as one of the many forgotten college students left to pick up the pieces of what was. 

Students around the world with minimal support beyond their educational institutions were left scrambling and homeless as life carried on. New acts and budgets have been drafted since March 2020, yet none have been targeted at college students or those between the ages of 18-26 who live outside of the parental home. We have been swept under the rug to eventually be checked on when we are hospitalized for either COVID-19 or an illness caused by exhausting the human body, trying to work full-time, and be a scholar. 

As pending evictions loom and classes resume, who will respond to the outcries of struggling young adults around the world? Some of whom, like myself, have lost their parent(s) and guardian(s) to the pandemic and need that helping hand beyond the classroom instruction and decorated degrees.

Shenaria Lozada is in her last year at Tallahassee Community College. Lozada plans to transfer to Florida A&M University and major in Public Relations.

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