Tallahassee Community College students share their opinions on important, global topics.

Jakera Butler is a first-year TCC student interested in studying nursing.

By Jakera Butler | Opinion

In today’s society, there is plenty of sexism with almost everything. From certain jobs and salaries, to things that we can and cannot do as a specific gender. Its definitely unfair that people are afraid to do, act, or say certain things in public and/or private due to the fact that they don’t want to be judged by someone. 

It isn’t fair that within some job fields, males get paid more than females. It’s unfair that men think that females aren’t capable of doing jobs within a male-dominated field. 

Females specifically deal with these types of stereotypes on a daily basis. There are plenty of things that we can’t say or do because it’s seen as unladylike. I think that it’s time for a change because some views are outdated and “for the birds.” 

People should be able to live their lives the way that they want to without being judged or scared to do so. These issues still go on today and can simply be changed or avoided. 

Overall, sexism altogether is something that should be stopped immediately.

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