Tallahassee Community College students share their opinions on important, global topics.

Asha Jerome is a first-year TCC student interested in studying business.

By Asha Jerome | Opinion

When my father drove me to grade school, we would often listen to NPR because he deemed that the information being processed would become of great use to me when I was older. During my time of adolescence, I would regularly argue that there wasn’t any space for pointless information because I had to remember what I’d learned at school. 

Little did I know that when I got older I would need that information, which I presumed insignificant as a child, to compare the time periods. Since then, NPR has become a regular routine for me that I am unwilling to confess to my peers about.

One morning I had heard about Trump’s new policy, which separated parents and children at the border of Mexico, on NPR. I was instantly stunned and almost got into a car accident. 

Right about now every single person in the United States knows that Trump wants to build a wall to prevent immigrants from entering the country illegally, but what many do not know is that trump is separating immigrant parents from their children when caught at the border. 

I know that there are many Trump advocates that support Trump’s policies, but this cannot be one of them. Morally it is wrong to separate children for their parents when the parents’ interests are wanting better opportunities for their kin.

I understand that there are many illegal immigrants today that are causing a shift in our economy, both bad and good. Most people either forget or are ignorant to the fact that in today’s society immigrants are taking the jobs citizens are opposed to doing. However it seems as if Trump is focused so much on the bad that he is willing to do dreadful things to cause change. These families that are in search for a better life are being isolated from their loved ones, where do we draw the line?

Truly it is up to us to cause the change we want to see because the person that is supposed to do right by us, the people, doesn’t seem to have family values. 

I know a lot of people would think, “Why should I care, it’s not my family that’s being separated?”, but how would you feel if it was you? Just because illegal immigrants are not citizens, it shouldn’t mean that they are to be treated inhumanely. 

However there are good charities that grant the ability legally for lawyers to look into some of the illegal immigrant’s cases to allow entrance into the United States with their children. There are also many immigrant rights advocates who do protest in many of the states. 

One of the main protests happened on June 1, 2018, in New York, where thousands united to stop federal agents from separating children from their families. 

Things that can be done on the local level are starting petitions not only for adults but for high school students to show the importance of the issue. 

As of right now there are too many ignorant students that don’t know what is going on to make a change in our country. 

The first step is to inform those who don’t know about Trump’s policy, the next step is to unite! Just as I accepted the fact that NPR would become a resourceful and important part of my life, we, the people, need to realize that immigrants provide some things that are of use to us. 

We as a nation need to develop a sense of morality when it comes to choosing who will lead us and we need to establish the characteristic of openness to discover our true potential as a country.

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